Spring 2017 Almanac

Welcome to the Spring Issue of the Almanac Newsletter!

In spite of the news these past few months that has, at times, filled me with moments of despair, I have never felt that all is lost because I know that there is so much to be hopeful for, from the 50 million trees planted, to the oceans being cleaned of plastics, to animals saved from the brink of extinction and that clean energy is booming.

Furthermore, I hope that I am wrong about the recent changes in leadership that doesn’t appear to take wildlife and habitat protection seriously, amongst the many environmental concerns we have.

Together, we must help support the organizations and foundations that protect all that we love in the natural world.

We can make a positive and lasting difference for the future.

There are several special dates coming up over the next few months, whether you care about Animals (March 3 and May 13), Environment (April 22 and April 29), Trees (March 21st), Water (March 22nd) and Birds (May 10). These are opportunities to support the vital work of many people and organizations that are dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment.

An inspiring person, who has devoted her life to raising awareness about caring for the planet and its beautiful animals, is Dr. Jane Goodall. Send her a message or a donation as a birthday present on April 3rd by supporting the incredible work that she does. As she says “daily acts that nourish the environment, no matter what size, make a difference.” www.janegoodall.org

Two other passionate environmental advocates have events I’m looking forward to in April. The first one is the release of Paul Hawken’s book Project Drawdown on April 18th, closely followed by artist Maya Lin’s launch of her new project on Earth Day, April 22nd. Wishing them both monumental success!

Did you know that Portland, Oregon filed a major federal lawsuit against Monsanto?

I love technology! I read about a new 3D ocean map that tracks ecosystems in amazing detail. An international team of developers hopes that the map will help conservationists to better understand the biogeography of the oceans and make decisions about which areas to preserve.

Trees and people have quite a bit in common, for example, trees form friendships and remember their experiences. According to tree expert Peter Wohlleben, “Trees make decisions. They can decide things. We can also say that a tree can learn, and it can remember a drought its whole life and act on that memory by being more cautious of its water usage.”

“When we try to pick out something by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe”-John Muir

Keep on fighting the good fight for the planet. Thank you, thank you, thank you for every positive action you do.


  • Recipe, Spring 2017 Almanac

    Moroccan-ish Sweet Potato Sunshine Salad

    This salad is all sweet potato goodness with a bit of a Moroccan stew vibe.

  • Recipe, Spring 2017 Almanac

    Warm Grain Bowl

    I have made this recipe so many times and enjoy it every time!

  • Recipe, Spring 2017 Almanac

    Simple Kale Chickpea Salad

    This salad is perfect for cooler spring days and a great way to get more greens into your life.

  • Blog, Spring 2017 Almanac

    Spring Issue Cover

    Elements of the lovely Spring Issue cover photo.

  • Shop, Spring 2017 Almanac

    New Products Spring 2017

    So many great new items!

  • Spring 2017 Almanac, The Cabinet Of Green Curiosities

    Bezoar Stone

    Bezoar stones are formed from accretions in the stomachs of ruminants that have become ossified and were believed to be magical.

  • Eco Tip, Spring 2017 Almanac

    Eco Tips Spring 2017

    Olive Oil, Salt & Honey!

  • Book, Spring 2017 Almanac

    The Practical Naturalist by Chris Packham

    Inspirational, informative, and educational, The Practical Naturalist is perfect for families interested in learning more about their surroundings and looking at their world in a brand new light.

  • Book, Spring 2017 Almanac

    Lab Girl By Hope Jahren

    Lab Girl is her revelatory treatise on plant life—but it is also a celebration of the lifelong curiosity, humility, and passion that drive every scientist.

  • Book, Spring 2017 Almanac

    Jellyfish: A Natural History by Lisa-Ann Gershwin

    Jellyfish, with their undulating umbrella-shaped bells and sprawling tentacles, are as fascinating and beautiful as they are frightening and dangerous.

  • Eco Cinema, Spring 2017 Almanac

    Unbroken Ground

    Our food choices are deeply connected to climate change. Unbroken Ground, a compelling Patagonia Provisions film directed by Chris Malloy, explains the critical role food will play in the next frontier of our efforts to solve the environmental crisis.

  • Eco Cinema, Spring 2017 Almanac


    They invite us on a journey through time to rediscover these European territories that we have been sharing with wild animals since the last ice age.

  • Spring 2017 Almanac, The Cabinet Of Green Curiosities


    Amadou is a species of fungus which grows on the side of various species of tree and is widely used as a fire as a fire starter.

  • Spring 2017 Almanac, The Cabinet Of Green Curiosities

    Gynandromorphic Swallowtail

    This butterfly is an example of a very rare phenomenon called bilateral gynandromorphy.

  • Spring 2017 Almanac, Sustainable Design

    Eco Villages

    Eco villages are intentional communities whose goal is to become more socially, economically and ecologically sustainable.

  • Gamechanger, Spring 2017 Almanac

    Lauren Singer

    Lauren can fit four years of trash into a one-ounce jar!