Racing To Zero

Racing To Zero
January 31, 2016 Christina Mullin

Racing To Zero is a quick-moving, upbeat documentary presenting new solutions to the global problem of waste. Directed by Christopher Beaver and produced by Diana Fuller, it shows how by simply substituting the word RESOURCE for the word GARBAGE, a culture can be transformed, and a new wealth of industries can emerge.

Three years ago the mayor of San Francisco pledged to achieve zero waste by 2020. Racing to Zero, tracks San Francisco’s waste stream diversion tactics and presents innovative new solutions to waste. This film documents a surprising and engaging race to zero. Thoroughly interesting and inspiring!

Watch the Racing to Zero trailer.

Click here to purchase a DVD, find a screening near you or to organize one.

Special mention: The movie HUMAN, which I have been looking forward to seeing ever since I heard about it last year, is available for immediate viewing. It’s an intense politically engaged work that allows us to embrace the human condition and reflect on the meaning of our existence. The images are stunning. The movie is on the long side and can be watched in stages.

Watch the Human trailer.

Watch the Human movie.