The two most diverse, all natural and beloved kitchen ingredients in my home
1-Baking Soda
Naturally found in mineral springs. Used when baking cookies; or for heartburn relief, add ¼ teaspoon in a glass of water and drink; sprinkle on rugs for it’s deodorizing effect (vacuum up after 30 minutes); add 1 teaspoon to a quart size vase of water to keep flowers fresh longer; sprinkle it in the oven and wipe it clean or sprinkle into a burned pan, and let it soak overnight. Can be used to exfoliate your skin and as toothpaste.
What other ways do you use baking soda?
2-Coconut Oil
A great all-rounder for internal and external use, it has antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Use for cooking; as an eye-makeup remover; hair conditioner; cuticle conditioner and body cream. Always buy coconut oil that comes in a sealed glass jar. Glass doesn’t transfer that plastic taste into the oil, and it also helps to lock in the nutrients.
What other ways do you use Coconut Oil?