Mark Ruffalo

Mark Ruffalo
January 31, 2016 Christina Mullin

Like most eco activists, actor Mark Ruffalo didn’t grow up as one, but became one when he found out about possible hydrofracking happening near his family home in upstate New York. His fight against hydrofracking and the water uses around hydrofracking, led him to found in 2011, Water Defense, a New York-based organization dedicated to banning hydraulic fracturing in the Empire State, and that same year, he also founded the Solutions Project, which shows people from state to state, how they can go to 100% renewable energy today.

This past June, New York State banned fracking, due to overwhelming concerns for the public’s health!

More recently, I met up with Mark Ruffalo at a screening he was hosting in Los Angeles, to raise awareness about the environmental consequences fracking has on the state of California. “California is the third-largest oil producing state in the nation. We produce over 200 million barrels of oil each year.  Every day fossil fuel production is polluting our clean water and food with toxic chemicals, emitting carcinogenic pollutants into our neighborhoods and pumping our atmosphere with more climate-altering greenhouse gases. We’ve entered this entirely new era of energy extraction that happens to put water at great risk.”

As Norman Lear said that evening: “California can’t be a leader in climate change without dealing with our oil-drilling problem. Oil drilling is California’s dirty secret, and we have to bring it out into the light.”

Let’s all join Mark Ruffalo, Norman Lear, and many others in the fight to protect our air, our water and the land where our food is grown, by getting involved:

P.S. He very kindly agreed to pose with a LOLA card after I gave him a copy of my book LOLA Lots of Love Always, for his family.

Mark Ruffalo