What to Buy at the local Farmer’s Market:
Peaches, Corn, Melon

What to Plant in the Garden:
Carrots, Beets, Zucchini

Moon Gardening by Priscilla Woolworth
Please check out my blog about Gardening according to the phases of the Moon, where I explain it in more detail:
July 1-7th: Waxing
July 8: Full Moon
July 9th-22nd: Waning
July 23: New Moon
July 24-August 6th: Waxing
Garden Chores to be done in July:
The month of July is a great time to feed roses after each bloom cycle, the citrus trees, and the rest of the garden with fish emulsion or worm juice (natural alternatives to chemical fertilizers).
If the foliage on your onions and garlic hasn’t started to go yellow, stop watering and bend the stalks to the ground. Allow them to dry for a month before harvesting.
Prune dead limbs from trees and shrubs.
Prune hydrangeas flowers that have faded to brown or green, cutting back each stalk that has bloomed, leaving only 2 buds for flowers next year.
Pinch side shoots on the tomatoes and continue giving support.
Pull vegetables past their prime to make room for fall planting.
Snip spent blossoms off to encourage more bloom.
Cut raspberry and other cane bearing berries back
Pull those weeds before they go to seed!
Prune citrus.
Fertilize cymbidium orchids
Harvest continuously for more production.
Water deeply.
Order cool-season seeds, such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, and kale, to start later this month.
Harvest herbs early in the morning, before their fragrant oils dissipate.
Plant alyssum, calendula, cosmos, cockscomb, cornflower, geranium, globe amaranth, impatiens, larkspur, morning glory, marigold, nasturtium, nigella, poppy, salvia, sunflower, zinnia and perennials such as bee balm, coreopsis, columbine, dianthus and foxglove.
Plant in your vegetable garden, carrots, beets, chard, cucumber, summer squash, and tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, corn, bush bean, pumpkin, okra, basil, lettuce, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, collards and kale.
Following is a Moon Gardening calendar for July and which days are best for specific chores:
July 1-7, the Moon is in the Waxing phase, when the lunar gravitational pull brings the water up, which makes it a good time of the month to encourage plant growth and proliferation. Plant seeds, transplant, re-pot, trim and prune for growth. Also, fruits and vegetables that are tender and should be eaten immediately are at their best when gathered at the Waxing Moon, because the water content is higher, salads are crunchier, and juicier.
The 4 days before and also 4 days after the Full Moon is the best time to prune, plant seeds (they germinate faster when planted at the full moon because they absorb more water) and fertilize plants as close to the Full Moon as possible. Cut bamboo and sow a lawn or put down sod.
The Full Moon is when water is at the highest level in the month. Best time to pick tomatoes. Harvest grapes to be used in winemaking as close to the full moon as possible because the grapes will retain more juice and bouquet. Gather any herbs to be used for their essential oils at the Full Moon because oil content is more concentrated at this time.
Recommended days for these garden chores:
July 1-4: Plant above ground annuals, especially tomatoes; prune and pinch for growth
July 8th: Full Moon
July 9-22, the Moon is Waning, and the energy of the earth is drawn down but the gravitational pull is high, creating more moisture in the soil and this energy goes into the roots making it a good time of the month to sow crops that produce their yield below ground and control plant growth by pruning, weeding, and controlling garden pests, as well as dividing perennials. This is the best time for garden maintenance because the growth cycle of plants decreases. Fruit trees do best planted at this time of the month because the position of the moon encourages development of root growth and tree bark, essential to their success. This is also the best time to cut wood, because it resists parasites and cures better. Farmers pick their apples, cabbages, potatoes and onions at the WaningMoon, when water content is lowest and so the harvest stores better and keeps longer. Best time to dry herbs, flowers and fruit and the herbs are at their most potent. Also, add potassium fertilizer to plants that need it because it will be better absorbed at this time. Mow your lawn to slow growth. First time composting, start your composting during this period because the Waning Moon phase helps aid in the decomposition of plant matter.
Recommended days for these garden chores:
July 9th: Plant for root growth
July 10-12th: Harvest, cultivate, weed, and control pests
July 13th: Plant for root growth
July 15-16: Harvest, cultivate, weed, and control pests
July 17-18: Fertilize
July 19-20: Harvest, cultivate, weed, and control pests
July 21-22: Prune, water, compost and fertilize
July 23: New Moon
The waxing phase starts again…
July 25-26: Plant flowering vines and medicinal plants
July 28-29: Plant above ground annuals, especially flowers and herbs
July 30-31: Plant above ground annuals; prune and pinch for growth
Happy Gardening!