Grounded, a documentary directed by Steve Kroschel, tells the true tale of an Alaskan wildlife filmmaker’s persistent curiosity and quest to test the claims of what appears to be an outrageously simple and too good to be true healing concept physical, bare skin contact with the Earth which may have been known by civilizations throughout history. New research has started to confirm the unexpected, that the surface of the Earth has healing power, like a gigantic treatment table. He introduces this concept to his fellow townsmen in Haines, Alaska (population 1,700), many of who suffer from major pain or disabling conditions. Starting with his own pain relief, he witnesses and films a surprising and miraculous healing in the town generated by simply grounding people to the Earth, that is, reconnecting them to the Earth s healing energy. It will change the way you look at the Earth beneath your feet!
Categories:Eco Cinema, Fall 2016 Almanac