June 2, 2020 Christina Mullin

The EWG is a trusted source and the one I go to for reliable information about personal care and cleaning products. They have released their 2020 Sunscreen Guide, in which their scientists reviewed more than 1,300 sun-protection products. Did you know that forty percent of the non-mineral products in this year’s guide contained one worrisome ingredient: oxybenzone.

Mounting evidence shows that oxybenzone can easily penetrate the skin and could potentially disrupt the hormone system. Kids may be especially vulnerable to harm from oxybenzone.

The good news is you can find safer and more effective sunscreens without oxybenzone by checking out EWG’s Guide to Safer Sunscreens. It’s filled with tips on how to read sunscreen labels, how to shop smarter, and other invaluable information.

Sign up today to get a downloadable PDF version of EWG’s Guide to Safer Sunscreens – delivered right to your inbox.

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Source: www.ewg.org