#1 Find Healthy Food Near You
I use the HappyCow app often and especially when I’m traveling, because it lets me know where to find vegan and vegetarian restaurants, near home or away. They have listings for 175 countries, a brilliant resource for travelers and people everywhere who want to find healthy food to eat wherever they are.
The Happycow community has grown to include members from around the world who are passionate about the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle as a healthy, compassionate, and environmentally sustainable way of living.
Happy cow.net is a free-to-use site. Download their app for $3.99 (or gift it to a loved one) and support their work.

#2 Local Harvest Directory
Use their map to locate farmers markets, family farms, CSAs, farm stands, and u-pick produce in your neighborhood.The Local Harvest.org directory lists over 30,000 family farms and farmers markets, along with restaurants and grocery stores that feature local food.

#3 Raisin
The app Raisin (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/raisin-the-natural-wine-app/id1096504117?mt=8) supports the natural wine community by alerting wine lovers to places they can find organic, biodynamic, low-sulfite wines made on a small scale, all around the world. It’s a simple concept, meant to help make natural wine more transparent and approachable for everyday people who might be new to the idea of such wine. Essentially, the app helps you find a retailer or restaurant that features natural wines on at least 30 percent of their menu. And for anyone who loves natural wine and has had the experience of wandering around a foreign city, trying in vain to find a glass of something acceptable to drink, Raisin is going to come in handy.
Natural wine app: https://www.raisin.digital/en/