Tixinda is a sea snail that is milked by Mixtec dyers from Oaxaca, Mexico.
The chrysalis is covered in a shiny, golden cuticle with a metallic-like appearance.
Egg shaped puffball (Lycoperdaceae sp.)
Art by ants.
The overwhelming consensus of Earth and planetary scientists is that tektites consist of terrestrial debris that was ejected during the…
VermiPods are specially encapsulated earthworm cocoons.
Examining burs plucked from his pants and dog’s coat after a hike in 1948…
At Nine Lives Twine, you can have your cat and dog hair spun into yarn and woven into keepsakes like…
Crows are remarkably intelligent creatures who demonstrate complex skills like the ability to manufacture and use tools, remember human faces,…
Take a look!
Each page was grown during February and March 2019.
Durable, sustainable and uniquely beautiful.
This crown from 19th century France.
These spoons are made from bamboo leaves…
Merdacotta are ceramics made from cow dung and clay.
Biodegradable funerary urns…
Did you know that it was in the 1980s that the potential of snail secretions was first noticed by breeders…
Cordyceps Sinensis mushroom, is also referred to as a symbiant (not a parasite), boosts the immune system of its known…
Christine Radtke is working to use spider silk to reconnect severed nerve fibers.
A xylotheque is a small library where every “book” is made by the wood of the tree that is documented…
Simply pry off a chunk of the smoldering Tinder Fungus and use it to light some tinder and remake your…
Nettles are not only an edible wild plant but can also be used as fiber for textiles and cordage.
Natural silk worm cocoons have been carefully placed atop a weightless metal frame.
Pinatex is a natural, sustainable textile made from the fibres of pineapple leaves, which are the waste from the pineapple…
This wallet was made from sustainably harvested natural Teak leaves.
Once the case is built, only adult males ever leave the case, never to return, when they take flight to…
How does the carrier shell hunt, hold and glue other shells and bits of coral to themselves?
Vietnamese artist and photographer Binh Danh, used green onions to capture the allusive Buddha.
Based in Delft, Netherlands, Nienke Hoogvliet wishes to call attention to the sustainable aspects of our daily habits. “I would…
Sea silk is an extremely fine, rare, and valuable fabric that is made from the long silky filaments or byssus…
Humans have been breeding silkworms for fabric for over 5,000 years, but Media Lab professor Neri Oxman married their innate…
The start-up Orange Fiber, run by Adriana Santanocito and Enrica Arena, has developed a new kind of fabric, which is…
Artist Nina Katchadourian documents her meticulous repair of silken webs with patches made with red thread.
Gogottes are naturally occurring sculptures found in Fontainbleau, France, the one time home of the French monarchy.
‘Coco de Mer’ is the largest and heaviest known seed in the world.
Building a nest takes a day or two, and the female might create about 10 nests in total, often right…
Bezoar stones are formed from accretions in the stomachs of ruminants that have become ossified and were believed to be…
Amadou is a species of fungus which grows on the side of various species of tree and is widely used…
This butterfly is an example of a very rare phenomenon called bilateral gynandromorphy.
Ambergris is a solid, waxy substance of a dull grey or blackish color, which is formed in the intestines of…
Divining rods are sticks that help you find water on your land.
Several species of swiftlet produce nests that are edible to man.
At a factory in France that processes waste from making M&M's, the bees went foraging,and found the remnants of colored…
Tradition has it that in Appalachian households, when a person died, there was sometimes found in their bed pillow, a…
Matilde Boelhouwer's goal as an artist is to change the perception of eating insects, something she hopes to achieve by…
Japanese chef Toshio Tanabe, serves dirt-based specialties alongside oysters, truffles and risotto at his Tokyo restaurant Ne Quittez Pas. Tenable…
Imagine being able to take your children to a picnic next to a tree that grew from their great-grandmother.
Designer and artist Gavin Munro, inspired by the beauty of nature, geometry and the desire to work with wood, has…
This apple tree bears fruit of nearly 150 types of apples!
This unique hand-woven brocaded textile was made with the golden silk of one million golden orb female spiders.