
  • Eco Cinema, Spring 2019 Almanac

    The Biggest Little Farm

    The Biggest Little Farm is a testament to the immense complexity of nature.

  • Eco Garden, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    February Eco Garden

    Moon Gardening with Priscilla Woolworth.

  • Artist, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Favorite cartoons from 2018

  • Recipe, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Mindful Matcha Granola

    Easy to make granola, with all its delicious bits and pieces!

  • Nature News, Winter 2018/19 Almanac


    Insectpalooza is an annual insect fair put on by the Department of Entomology at Cornell University, in upstate New York,…

  • Artist, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Mike and Doug Starn

    Born in New Jersey in 1961, the identical twins Doug and Mike Starn work collaboratively and defy categorization, combining traditionally…

  • Nature News, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    A Little Christmas History

    Do you know how the custom of celebrating Christmas began? As with many Christmas traditions, its roots go back to…

  • Eco News, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    How to Change the World by What We Buy

    As a consumer, be informed about products that contain palm oil. You might not cook with it, but you would…

  • The Cabinet Of Green Curiosities, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Tinder Fungus

    Simply pry off a chunk of the smoldering Tinder Fungus and use it to light some tinder and remake your…

  • Nature News, Winter 2018/19 Almanac


    Did you know that most people have elevated concentrations of mercury in their body?

  • Sustainable Design, Winter 2018/19 Almanac


    ReTuna is the world’s first secondhand shopping mall, featuring only reclaimed and reused goods.

  • Artist, Eco Garden, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Anton Checkhov’s Garden

    “I think that if I wasn’t a writer, I could be a gardener,” wrote Anton Chekhov in 1900.

  • Eco News, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    The Green America Chocolate Score Card

    Most major chocolate companies have commitments to source more sustainable cocoa. Many of them have plans to have 100% certified…

  • Eco Cinema, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Secret Ingredients Movie

    This eye-opening documentary by Jeffrey Smith and Amy Hart may change the way you think about your food forever- and…

  • Eco News, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Organic Food May Reduce Cancer Risk

    People who regularly eat organic food are much less likelyto get cancer than those who don’t, a major new study…

  • Eco Cinema, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Look and See

    LOOK & SEE revolves around the divergent stories of several residents of Henry County, Kentucky who each face difficult choices…

  • Eco Cinema, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Living in the Future’s Past

    Living in the Future’s Past shows how no one can predict how major changes might emerge from the spontaneous actions…

  • Eco Tip, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Homemade Mustard

    If you’re looking for that classic yellow color, just add a little turmeric powder.

  • Eco Tip, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Aloe Vera

    Did you know that aloe vera is good for so much more than treating sunburns.

  • Recipe, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Butternut Miso Soup with Arame and Wasabi

    Try this soup tonight!

  • The Cabinet Of Green Curiosities, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    String Made from Nettles

    Nettles are not only an edible wild plant but can also be used as fiber for textiles and cordage.

  • Animal News, Winter 2018/19 Almanac


    Back in 2000, Charlie Burrel and Isabella Tree, who live in Knepp Castle in the UK, took the radical decision…

  • Book, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    The Forest by Riccardo Bozzi, Violeta Lopiz and Valerio Vidali

    *Selected as one of the ten New York Times and New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s books of 2018

  • Book, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Wilding by Isabella Tree

    Isabella Tree tells the story of the ‘Knepp experiment’, a pioneering rewilding project in West Sussex, using free-roaming grazing animals…

  • Book, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Be The Change: How to Get What you Want in Your Community by Thomas Linzey with Anneke Campbell

    Inspired by five true stories.

  • Recipe, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Freekeh with Caramelized Shallots, Chickpeas and Yogurt

    An easy to make, delicious and very nutritious recipe. Freekeh may not be free of gluten but it is very…

  • Gamechanger, Winter 2018/19 Almanac

    Sebastian Copeland

    Sebastian Copeland is an award-winning photographer, polar explorer, author, lecturer, and environmental activist and has led numerous expeditions in the…

  • Fall 2018 Almanac, Recipe

    Chili Pepper Flakes

    If your goal is to make one cup of crushed red pepper flakes, you will need 71 Serrano peppers.

  • Fall 2018 Almanac, Recipe

    Berry Jam

    This is the easiest jam recipe to make! All you need are fresh blackberries or raspberries and sugar.

  • Blog, Fall 2018 Almanac, Recipe

    Alek Wek’s Okra Stew

    The model and Goodwill Ambassador has been cooking this plant-based stew since her childhood in South Sudan.

  • Fall 2018 Almanac, Tree News

    Tree Glue

    Biodegradable plastic made from ‘tree glue’ could be on shelves within five years.

  • Eco Cinema, Fall 2018 Almanac


    Woodlanders,is a beautifully done film series by Costa Boutsikaris, a filmmaker from the Hudson Valley/NY, that documents the work of…

  • Blog, Fall 2018 Almanac, Nature News

    Fall 2018 Almanac Cover Image

    Explanation of all the beauty in the Almanac cover this month!

  • Fall 2018 Almanac, Sustainable Design

    Floating Park

    In the Netherlands, where a floating park made from recycled plastic, has popped up, the recycled plastic is constructed into…

  • Fall 2018 Almanac, Nature News


    The first island in Copenhagen’s Parkipelago set sail. Over the next year, the island will be moved around the lake,…

  • Bird News, Fall 2018 Almanac

    Cutting Trees to Save Birds

    “It’s OK to cut some trees,” said Andrew Shultz, landowner outreach forester for the Maine Forest Service. He explained that…

  • Fall 2018 Almanac, Recipe

    Butternut Squash Soup

    Delicious and easy to make, this soup is absolutely wonderful!

  • Fall 2018 Almanac, Recipe

    Nasturtium Pesto

    Nasturtiums edible leaves and flowers add a peppery flavor to many things, but one of the tastiest ways to eat…

  • Eco Tip, Fall 2018 Almanac

    PW Tip: Celery

    How to keep celery fresh!

  • Fall 2018 Almanac, Recipe

    Hickory Nut Milk

    Made with shagbark hickory nuts.

  • Eco Tip, Fall 2018 Almanac

    PW Tip 2: Water Bottles

    I wrote about this back in 2009!

  • Eco Tip, Fall 2018 Almanac

    PW Tip: Cans

    I still use this one!

  • Artist, Fall 2018 Almanac

    Christo & Jean-Claude

    Christo and Jeanne-Claude, respectively, are environmental sculptors noted for their controversial outdoor sculptures that often involved monumental displays of fabrics…

  • Fall 2018 Almanac, The Cabinet Of Green Curiosities

    Lamps Made with Silkworm Cocoons

    Natural silk worm cocoons have been carefully placed atop a weightless metal frame.

  • Fall 2018 Almanac, The Cabinet Of Green Curiosities

    Pencil Cases made from Pineapples

    Pinatex is a natural, sustainable textile made from the fibres of pineapple leaves, which are the waste from the pineapple…

  • Fall 2018 Almanac, The Cabinet Of Green Curiosities

    Wallet Made from Leaves

    This wallet was made from sustainably harvested natural Teak leaves.

  • Eco News, Fall 2018 Almanac


    Ecosia is a search engine, and when you use it to search the web, they plant trees.

  • Eco Tip, Fall 2018 Almanac

    The Differences between Organic, Sustainable and Biodynamic Wines

    The U.S. government regulates use of the term “organic,” but “sustainable” and “biodynamic” have no legal definitions.

  • Eco News, Fall 2018 Almanac

    Don’t Even Think About Turning the Air Conditioning on the Second you Get In your Car

    Does you car’s owner’s manual tell you to roll down the windows to let out all the hot air before…

  • Eco News, Fall 2018 Almanac

    Make Your Own Non-toxic Homemade Bubbles

    Why make your own? Did you know that conventional bubble soap contains unhealthy ingredients ( dishsoap and handsoap as well),…

  • Animal News, Fall 2018 Almanac

    Bat Houses

    Bats are a natural pest control. Did you know that some bat species eat an incredible number of mosquitoes, as…

  • Bird News, Fall 2018 Almanac

    Crows Pick Up Trash in a French Park

    In France, the wily crow is getting a makeover. Puy du Fou, a historical theme park in the Loire region…

  • Fall 2018 Almanac, Gamechanger

    Robyn Van En

    Robyn Van En was one of the originators of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), a business model that helps small, diverse…

  • Book, Fall 2018 Almanac

    Henry Humming: Henry Saves Hanna by Irene Starlone

    A hummingbird, a blue jay, and a house finch go on an unexpected journey…

  • Book, Fall 2018 Almanac

    Life Without Plastic by Jay Sinha and Chantal Plamondon

    Life Without Plastic strives to create more awareness about BPA-based products, polystyrene and other single-use plastics, and provides readers with…

  • Book, Fall 2018 Almanac

    Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

    As a botanist, Robin Wall Kimmerer has been trained to ask questions of nature with the tools of science. As…

  • Eco Garden, Summer 2018 Almanac

    August Eco Garden

    Moon Gardening by Priscilla Woolworth

  • Eco Garden, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Companion Planting in the Vegetable Garden

    Plants interact with each other, and behave a lot like us: some get along, some don’t. The following list is…

  • Animal News, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Caribou News

    Did you know that in June, after migrating hundreds of miles north from their winter grounds, some 130,000 caribou in…

  • Eco Tip, Summer 2018 Almanac

    PW Tips

    PW Tips 2018 Summer

  • Nature News, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Eat Stinging Nettles

    Stinging Nettles contain vitamins C and K, B vitamins, as well as minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron, to name…

  • Nature News, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Forest Stewardship

    I recently took an informative 6 week long workshop called the Fundamentals of Forest Stewardship because I wanted to learn…

  • Summer 2018 Almanac, The Cabinet Of Green Curiosities

    Bag Moth Cocoon

    Once the case is built, only adult males ever leave the case, never to return, when they take flight to…

  • Eco Tip, Summer 2018 Almanac

    The Story of Microfibers

    Synthetic fabrics, from which 60% of all clothing on earth is made, have a big hidden problem: when they’re washed,…

  • Summer 2018 Almanac, The Cabinet Of Green Curiosities

    Carrier Shells

    How does the carrier shell hunt, hold and glue other shells and bits of coral to themselves?

  • Book, Summer 2018 Almanac

    How the Trees Got Their Voices by Susan Andra Lion and Sue Lion

    While camping with a group of girls, Susan Andra Lion was given this tale about trees, nature and also the…

  • Book, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Farming the Woods: An integrated Permaculture Approach to Growing Food and Medicinals in Temperate Forests by Ken Mudge and Steve Gabriel

    Farming the Woods invites a remarkably different perspective: that a healthy forest can be maintained while growing a wide range…

  • Book, Summer 2018 Almanac

    A Natural History of the Hedgerow: and ditches, dykes and dry stone walls by John Wright

    This beautifully produced book is a practical and comprehensive record of hedges, dry stone walls, ditches and other agricultural boundaries…

  • Eco Tip, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Find a Sit Spot

    Maintaining a sit spot is one of the most profound activities you can undertake. It hones your observational skills, helping…

  • Summer 2018 Almanac, Sustainable Design

    The Gates of Light

    Inspired by the iridescent sparkling of butterfly wings, the GATES OF LIGHT in the Netherlands, are structures on a causeway,…

  • Gamechanger, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Jack Johnson

    Jack Johnson is a singer-songwriter, environmental activist in the ecology and sustainability movement (with an ocean-centric focus), founder of the…

  • Recipe, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Stinging Nettle Soup

    Cooked nettles are not only delicious, but also full of health benefits and… they lose their sting when cooked.

  • Eco Garden, Eco Tip, Summer 2018 Almanac


    These “considered weed” plants, have a number of powerful health benefits. In fact, humans have been using dandelions in food…

  • Eco Garden, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Edible Plants Found on a Walk in a Forest Garden

    We have a legacy of overharvesting plants in the wild. We need to be careful and forage ethically and sustainably,…

  • Eco News, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Demand Real Organic Food from Real Organic Farmers

    We need the largest retailers of organic food in the country to stand with organic farmers and consumers for the…

  • Recipe, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Tomatoes à la provencale

    Fast and easy to make, this delicious dish is a classic from the South of France, and is best served…

  • Eco News, Summer 2018 Almanac

    The End is Near for Plastic Bags and Straws

    Times are changing. Just as it became socially unacceptable to smoke indoors, the use of plastic bags and plastic straws…

  • Eco Tip, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Organic Spices

    Organic spices don’t contain any fillers, synthetic anti-caking agents, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives that may be found in conventional…

  • Recipe, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Stinging Nettle Tea

    Nettles are often ingested in tea form, which has been observed to have potent effects on the body.

  • Artist, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Diana Scherer

    Diana Scherer is a visual artist living and working in Amsterdam. Her work encompasses photography, material research, plant root-weaving and…

  • Bird News, Blog

    Bird Houses

    Always hang bird houses in tree-friendly ways. Here is how…

  • Gamechanger, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth has no patience for plastic and is taking Buckingham Palace plastic free!

  • Eco Tip, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Hibiscus Flower

    The red hibiscus flower is cultivated worldwide for both its aesthetic appeal and its medicinal uses, which is in the…

  • Artist, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Vincent Van Gogh

    For Vincent van Gogh, nature was the defining subject of his art. Over the course of his short but intense…

  • Spring 2018 Almanac, Tree News

    Tree Spotting

    We all know that a walk in nature is a great path to tranquility. But did you know you don’t…

  • Eco News, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Plastic-eating fungus found at a landfill site in Pakistan

    Currently, around the world, landfills are full of billions of tons of plastics. These plastics are attracting organisms that are…

  • Recipe, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Asparagus & Lemon Risotto

    This recipe is easy to make, absolutely delicious and packed with nutrients.

  • Spring 2018 Almanac, Sustainable Design

    Food Pharmacies

    Some pharmacies are dispensing fruit and veg as well as drugs. Many medical issues have symptoms that can be managed…

  • Eco Tip, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Car Air Fresheners

    It’s time to stop making air fresheners for cars, and phase them out just as skin-exfoliating products were, the polluting…

  • Book, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Natural Gardening for Birds: Create a Bird-Friendly Habitat in Your Backyard

    A Practical Illustrated Bird Oriented Gardening Book with Great Reference Charts. Bird watchers everywhere dream of a landscape dotted with…

  • Eco Tip, Spring 2018 Almanac

    PW Tips for Spring!

    The two most diverse, all natural and beloved kitchen ingredients in my home!

  • Book, Spring 2018 Almanac

    100 Plants to Feed the Bees: Provide a Healthy Habitat to Help Pollinators Thrive

    The international bee crisis is threatening our global food supply, but this user-friendly field guide shows what you can do…

  • Book, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Children’s Book: Bertolt

    This is a charming, touching story about an imaginative boy whose best friend is an oak tree named Bertolt.

  • Eco Garden, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Poison Ivy

    How to get rid of POISON IVY in your garden, without using toxic herbicides.

  • Nature News, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Seed Libraries

    Seed libraries provide vegetable seeds so that people can grow food they might not otherwise be able to get.

  • Recipe, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Almond Cake

    A delicious, satisfying and easy to make cake!

  • Spring 2018 Almanac, Sustainable Design

    The Green School

    he Green School is located in the jungle in south central Bali. Begun a decade ago by John and Cynthia…

  • Animal News, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Border collies

    Border collies run like the wind to bring new life to Chilean forest.

  • Eco Cinema, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Leaning into the Wind

    Riedelsheimer’s exquisite film illuminates Goldsworthy’s mind as it reveals his art.

  • Eco Garden, Winter 2017/18 Almanac

    February Eco Garden

    Moon Gardening by Priscilla Woolworth