Animal News

  • Animal News, Summer 2020 Almanac

    Fabric of Nature

    Vibrant new Scottish currency is illustrated with influential women and native wildlife.

  • Animal News, Winter 2018/19 Almanac


    Back in 2000, Charlie Burrel and Isabella Tree, who live in Knepp Castle in the UK, took the radical decision…

  • Animal News, Fall 2018 Almanac

    Bat Houses

    Bats are a natural pest control. Did you know that some bat species eat an incredible number of mosquitoes, as…

  • Animal News, Summer 2018 Almanac

    Caribou News

    Did you know that in June, after migrating hundreds of miles north from their winter grounds, some 130,000 caribou in…

  • Animal News, Spring 2018 Almanac

    Border collies

    Border collies run like the wind to bring new life to Chilean forest.

  • Animal News, Blog, Gamechanger

    UK Based Animal Hero

    Inspiring business model: Meet the UK Based Animal Hero Bringing You Insurance with Compassion.

  • Animal News

    Did you know…

    Did you know...Bees and other beneficial insects LOVE garden detritus. You don't need to do the full fall clean up…