A galette is a genius solution for the stresses of pie making. Rustic and designed for imperfection it’s very easy to make and quite beautiful. You don’t need to worry about transferring rolled out dough or runny fillings. Just fold up the edges around your fruit and throw it in the oven. Think of it as a fruit pizza.
Grain Free, Dairy Free
Serves 6
Note: This crust is a bit crumbly but don’t worry that’s a good thing! Just pinch together the cracks before you throw it in the oven.
- 1 1/2 lbs of peaches and plums combined. Skin on, pitted and sliced.
- 2 tablespoons of arrowroot
- 3 tablespoon of coconut sugar, divided
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- 1/2 teaspoon of ground cardamom
- 2 cups of almond flour
- 1/2 cup of arrowroot + more dusting
- A pinch sea salt
- 1 egg
- 4 tablespoons of cold ghee
- 3 tablespoons of maple syrup
Measure out your ghee and place on a plate in the freezer for about 10 minutes or until very cold and firm.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Leaving the skin on, pit and slice your peaches and plums. Put them in a medium size mixing bowl and add the arrowroot, 2 tablespoons of coconut sugar, lemon juice, vanilla extract, and cardamom. Toss with your hands until well combined. Set aside.
In another mixing bowl, whisk together all the dry ingredients for the crust.
Cut the cold ghee up into smaller pieces, dropping them into the flour. Using your finger tips, pinch and mix the ghee into the flour until the mixture becomes crumbly. This takes a little time but you want to make sure everything is well combined.
In a small bowl whisk together the egg and maple syrup and add to the flour mixture.
Fold everything with a spatula until a dough forms.
Form the dough into a disc, cover tightly in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Take the dough out of the fridge and place onto to a large sheet of parchment paper on your countertop that is heavily dusted with arrowroot flour. Dust the surface of the dough and dust the rolling pin too.
Roll the dough out until it’s about 1/4 inch thick and about 12 inches in diameter. Continue to dust with arrowroot as needed. Don’t worry about the shape too much, you should end up with a rustic circle. Pinch together any cracks.
Transfer the parchment paper with the dough to a baking sheet now.
Gently empty the fruit filling from the bowl onto the center of the dough. Spread it out a little making sure to leave a border of about 1 1/2 inches.
Lift the parchment paper up on one side to help fold the edge of the dough over the fruit. This is much easier than directly handling the dough and helps prevent cracking and sticking. Continue making your way around the dough lifting the paper up as needed to complete the circle. Pinch together any cracks.
Sprinkle the fruit with the remaining tablespoon of coconut sugar and place in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
Once you’ve removed it from the oven let it rest for a little while so the juices can thicken.
Serve warm or room temperature with vegan coconut vanilla cream.