Fleamarkets, antique stores and shops that offer vintage items for sale are the ultimate in eco-friendly shopping. Repurposing and reusing reduces the amount of waste that ends up in our overfilled landfills. When we throw things out, our cities and counties have to use our tax money to haul all our “used” stuff away to a landfill to be incinerated.
Donate your used things to the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity or the Goodwill. Or sell them at a Flea Market!
The following are some shots I took at the Flea Market in Long Beach, California

Toaster, iron and electric kettles Repurposed as lamps

Vintage cameras reborn as lamps

Vintage items repurposed into lamps

Vintage glass bottles are better than plastic! Use these to store non-food items.

Great color on these vintage glass bottles. I have plenty at home so I didn’t buy any of these.

I love these old bottles just as they are! Ha! These would look so great with a rose in each one, or a wildflower or even a gorgeous branch.

Large bundles of dried sage. These are so great looking. At home, I like to burn one end by an open door or window. The scent is then diffused. Even burning natural herbs or incense indoors isn’t healthy of us to breathe, even though they smell wonderful.

Small bundles of dried sage

Beautiful crystals

Scattered small seashells. I like the way these were displayed. Really pretty and simple.

A pile of small terra-cotta pots was very tempting indeed but I held back!

These colorful lifesavers look almost too good to use-it feels like they are just for show.

Cholla cactus. At home with me now.

Two nautilus shells. At home with me now as well.
Categories:Sustainable Design